Audit & Assurance

Statutory Audits
Company Law in India mandates every Company to gets its books of account audited by Chartered Accountants, every year. The Auditors Report to the Shareholders of the Company on the accounts maintained by it has great sanctity and relevance primarily to its shareholders and many other stakeholders and users.
True to the Phrase, the Audit & Assurance is a specialized responsibility designed to provide assurance whether the accounts show true and fair view of the State of Affairs and the performance of the Company.
VASG Team is well trained to carry on such responsibilities diligently
Internal Audits
Internal audit is an independent, objective oriented assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations.
VASGacts as a catalyst for improving the Organization's operational efficiency and effectiveness, internal controls, reliability of MIS reports, compliance with legal requirements and safeguard of assets by providing insight and recommendations based on analyses of data and business processes

VASG Team is well trained to recognize the needs of the Organization and its management and render the services accordingly.
Due Diligence
Due diligence is an investigation or audit of a potential investment to confirm all facts, such as reviewing all financial records, and other relevant material data. Due diligence refers to the care a reasonable person should take before entering into a financial transaction with another party. Due Diligence may also be necessary on a buyer or investor to assess his ability to acquire or invest into the business including other factors that would affect the acquired entity in the near future.

VASG has requisite experience in conducting Due Diligence study to assist the client in making informed decision.
Tax Audit
The purpose of a Tax Audit as mandated by the Income Tax Act, 1961 is to assist the Assessee and the Tax Department to correctly assess the taxable income in accordance with the various provisions of the Act. It is also designed to reduce burden on the Assessing Officer in making assessment as he largely relies on the Tax Audit Report.

VASG has the necessary expertise to carry out such audits.
Other Audit Services
Apart from the Above, VASG has experience in conducting;
  • Concurrent Audits
  • Stock & Receivable Audit
  • MIS Audits
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